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SpotPal is a B2C platform designed to help people easily set reminders to move their vehicles and avoid those pesky street sweeping tickets saving them money.

What are we trying to solve?

For those who live in neighborhoods with regular street sweeping, remembering when to move your car and figuring out the confusing sweeping schedules can be costly. Especially those who are on a tight budget.

A street sweeping fine can range anywhere from $15 - $65 on average depending on where you live. These can add up quickly over time.

The Who

The average person in more densely populated areas or any area with monthly street sweeping schedules.

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The How

SpotPal will leverage Google Maps and a regularly updated street sweeping schedule database giving parkers the ability set a reminder at the tap of a button.

No more looking at your calendar to determine if it is the 2nd or 4th Tuesday of the month.

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Future State

Helping people avoid unnecessary fines is just the beginning.

The long-term vision for SpotPal is to help people with other parking scenarios such as metered parking, parking safety, and last but not least - finding available street parking in densely populated areas.

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